Last night, I ventured out of quarantine to the movie theatre for John Carter. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars, I was a little leery of a Disneyfication of yet another classic. I mean, they'd already renamed the work and toyed with the characters a little, but okay. I'm up for some mindless movie mayhem after all the deep films we've been ingesting.
It was okay. I thought the story was paced a bit slow, but nothing terrible. LilBro fell asleep complete with loud snores (much to giggleworthy delight of the girls sitting behind us). I thought the special effects were done quite well, especially the interaction between the live action players and the CGI models. Really well done. (Who wouldn't love that cute Woola; I can see the stuffed versions versions of these on sale at the Disney store now...). And Taylor Kitsch by the uber-cool (and relatively unknown) Lynn Collins. had all his scenes stolen by the As an origin story, it's not bad. We probably could have rented it. 3 out of stars.
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