Monday, June 27, 2011

funny shit my dad says (that i share and others judge)

Yesterday, I posted the following two conversations on facebook as my status:

Dad: I could be a top chef.
Mom: Oh yeah? What's a truffle?
Dad: ...Cake.
Mom: What?
Dad: You know, the opposite of trifle.

Dad: listen, I want to get your Mom something nice for her birthday.
Me: okay, you got any ideas?
Dad: yeah, channel 5.
Me:... you want to get her the TV Guide?
Dad: No! The perfume!
Me: ...Chanel? No. 5?
Dad: that's what I said.

Most people got a good laugh out of it (as did we at the time of the actual conversation).  If there's anything my dad appreciates, it's a joke.  So, everyone chuckles, people choke on lettuce, whatever.  and then I get the snide comment (from one of my older cousins) "I am smarter than my parents..."


Who said I meant that?  it was funny play on words.  Both times.  Like the time I mixed up Carniverous with Coniferous.  I swear, some people can suck the joy out of anything.  This is one of the reasons I really hate having family on Facebook.


Unknown said...

and to think ... Family should know you better!

Malecasta said...

You'd think - but no. I find self-righteous asses exist everywhere; when they're in your family, it's just harder to avoid.