Beasts of the Southern Wild: I really enjoyed this movie. Maybe it was the father-daughter relationship, maybe it was all Hushpuppy, heck maybe it was the idea of living in a bathtub... I don't know, but there was something magical about the whole thing. There was this scene, let's call it the "slow dancing" scene (you'll know it when you see it), that really made the movie: it had everything from nostalgic yearning to hard determination. And then there Miss Quvenzhané Wallis. She was simply divine, perfect mixture of stubborn brat, southern charm, and heartbreaking innocence. I can see why they had to include her in the Best Actress category - she deserves it. All in all, a great movie: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Flight: when I saw Flight in the theatres, I took a pass on it. To me, it looked like another Training Day. Turns out, I was bang-on. This is another Denzel flick, doing what Denzel does: being a complicated anti-hero, who you want to save as much as you want to punish. So, of course, Denzel gets nominated. Sigh. Anyway, the movie as a whole is entertaining enough - it's suspenseful, interesting, and has a nice deep cast: John Goodman? I LOVE that guy! Kelly Reilly, I had no idea who she was before but I'm looking out for her now. and Don Cheadle, whose understated acting style seems to be overlooked for the Denzels of the world, and I find that to be a grand shame. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
The Master: ugh. This movie is so brutally slow. Maybe it was the sushi-induced-coma I was in, but I could not keep my attention riveted to this movie at all. Didn't help that Joaquin Phoenix (Best Actor nomination, who is usually brilliant and whom I actually adore) plays his role as if he, too, is in a walking coma. And perhaps that's the point. This seems to be the kind of movie that's making a point, but I didn't get it. (After the movie, I learned it's an "art house" film - that explains much). Philip Seymour Hoffman (Best Supporting Actor nomination) steals every scene; Amy Adams (best Supporting Actress) uses her Disney charm in an almost-malevolent turn, which was fascinating to watch. too bad they were barely around. I am disappointed to see John Hawkes passed over for Phoenix this year. that was a mistake. It is telling that The Master is not included in either the picture or directing category. 2 out of 5 stars.
Tonight, I hope to watch the Oscars with Jadek and the family. We will place our bets during the red carpet preamble. (I'll try to upload my ballot before showtime, poppets). Oh, and if you're interested, there's also Best Original Score and Best Original Song.
Agree about The Sessions - excellent movie. I really liked Macy in the role of Catholic priest/sex counsellor. He captured the right amount of committment to the calling combined with "what the fuck would I know about sex" looks on his face.
Phoenix is a chameleon and he suffers from his own spite. There were so many moments where he was so completely lost in the role. I agree the film was mixed-up but I loved to see him back on screen. Hoffman was typical and I never like that.
You miss much never watching "art house" films. I have to say that is the only kind of film I truly enjoy.
I never said I didn't watch "art house" films :) I watch quite a few, since they mostly end up on Netflix or library shelves. Though I find them to be mostly pretentious and often slowly paced, they make good companions. I do think they're mostly a "miss" - I don't like things that try to be deep or clever (movies shouldn't have to try so hard). But when they hit - and sometimes they really hit - they're off the charts. The Master was not a hit.
The other thing about art house movies is that, much like their comedic cousins, they're not worth paying to see in a theatre. They're strictly rentals. And since I don't review rentals (unless they're in the Oscars), they get very little coverage on this here blog.
Anyway, for me this year is was all about Life of Pi and Beasts of the Southern Wild. They stood head and shoulders above the rest.
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