Thursday, July 11, 2013

Now Playing: World War Z

This review is so late, poppets.  But many things conspired to get in its way: NYC, birthday weekend(tm), and let's not forget the FLOOD.  Anyway: World War Z, where Brad Pitt takes on zombies.  Go.

Because I’m feeling sickly and because I watched this almost three weeks ago, I can only give you vague impressions.  It was good.  It had its scary moments (but they were less Romero and more 28 days later).  Pitt is his usual goodness; nice to see Mireille Enos on the big screen too.  (Can’t get over how beautiful she looks – why does he always take on such grubby roles?)  All well-paced, acted, etc.  3.5 out of 5 stars.

Most importantly, though, it added to Zombie Survival canon.
  1. Duct-taping magazines to one forearms as rudimentary armour against bites? Awesome, low-tech, and easily done.
  2. Get up a staircase and then destroy it behind you.
  3. …there was more, but I can’t remember it right now…
If you’re interested in learning more, check out Max Brooks' Zombie World.

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

It’s a fun movie if you want a couple of chills and thrills, but not much else other than that. Good review.