Friday, November 29, 2013

Now Playing: Ender’s Game

This will be a short review, because I've fallen behind - again – and I don’t write other posts because I feel guilty about not doing my movie reviews.  Perhaps we’ll get to shorter Movie reviews in general.  100 words or less.  You know, something to keep me on schedule.


I know Ender’s Game was a book before it was a movie (it’s a good time to be YA novelist right now), so I expected a pretty tight story – which I got.  Surprisingly well-acted too, though it shouldn't have been surprising: Harrison Ford, Viola Davis, Ben Kingsley, Hailee Steinfeld and Asa Butterfield.  A good movie to watch if you have too-cool-for-you teens in your life that you want to hang out with.  3 out of 5 stars.

A pet peeve (and spoiler): the tag line is “This is not a game.” – umm, doesn't this give away the whole movie?  Or maybe it’s not supposed to be a surprise…

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