Monday, February 10, 2014

Now Playing: Her

(I've been busy watching seven Oscar noms and two distraction movies so now I'm super behind in reviews.  As a result - we get hundred-word reviews.  Let's face it - all Oscar noms are worth watching - you don't need me to tell you that, poppets.)

Her, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson’s voice, is an ode to the lonely void modern day humans who tend to fill with technology.  Well-acted and surprisingly engaging for a film that spends a lot of time of one-person conversations.  I’m not sure about Best Picture, but I can see why it received a Best Actor nomination.

The premise is really intriguing too and very believable, despite it being about AI evolving into sentience. and the technology makes me want to live in that near-future of seemingly low crime and fairly satisfying employment.  Should you watch it?  Of course!  and I think it would translate very well to the small screen,  4 out of 5 stars.

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