Tuesday, August 12, 2008

where oh where can my baby be?

I have been a bad bad blogtress. Very bad. I can only say that I have plenty of reasons but no real excuses. So, to justify my absence, I give you my Top Ten Reasons for Recalcitrance.

10) I'm at a new job; I have no more free time at work. This means no checking facebook every 10 minutes. Or writing long and complicated blogs while on the desk.

9) I have a new condo. Every waking moment (outside of work) is either spent in Home Depot or elbow deep in boxes.

8) It's summer. This means more concerts, plays, movies, BBQs, and all sorts of social appointments.

7) Speaking of summer, it's also Wedding Season. Having just finished my first official Bridesmaid stint, I can honestly say that a 6-hour ceremony/reception easily takes 24 hours to get ready for and another 48 hours to recover from. I hate you heels. I hate you.

6) Home renovation. Along with moving (which should only take a weekend), I am discovering all sorts of quirks for Condo Living (i.e. concrete ceilings/walls; metal studs; high levels of humidity) that only serve as obstacles for the most mundane of chores (damn bookcases!)

5) I had family visiting for most of July, which only meant that all my appointments were pushed into August.

4) Did I mention how very busy I am at work? Cripes.

3) Nothing truly exciting is happening in my life. True, people are getting married (the whole ordeal confirms why I never want to go through with such an event), moving continents, writing theses, becoming rich, Rich, RICH! Other people are suffering with terminal illnesses or just general age. But none of it is about me and I feel I would be poaching on their lives if I were to go on and on about it.

2) Too many people I know in real life read this thing. I have yet to adjust to losing my anonymity.

1) I have no internet at home. I think this says it all.

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