Yesterday, I went to see the new Punisher, with Titus Pullo in the titular role. Joining him: McNulty, Rita and Newman. It was everything I was expecting: lots of violence, hardly any acting and thoroughly entertaining popcorn-muncher. Okay, I'm being overly critical: Ray Stevenson was actually a very good Frank Castle and Doug Hutchison was a perfect Loony Bin Jim. Julie Benz, however, was just rehashing Rita and Dominic West... oh, my god... where was his dialect coach? It was the most hammed-up Joyzey accent I've ever heard. And yes, I'm aware that this takes place in New Yawk. It was distracting, to say the least. If you're bored, rent it when it comes out: 3 out of 5 stars, for what it's trying to be.
I'm looking forward to quite a few movies which are trying to squeeze in before 2008 bids us all adieu: The Road, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Rachel Getting Married, Slumdog Millionaire, just to name a few. Of course, I'll be watching The Day The Earth Sood Still as soon as I can, because it has my beloved Keanu doing what he does best: unacting. December is always a crazy busy month (I'm thinking I will have to start saving more vacation dates for this, the last month of the year). I hope by this time next week, I'll be in a better position to keep up with my recently ignored inner-cinephile.
I want to watch it ... just for Titus Pullo, is that shallow? LOL
Must, MUST, watch The Road b/c it has MY beloved and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button looks really good too, not that I'm a fan of Brad Pitt, but it looks really interesting and I really like Cate Blanchet.
shallow? please woman - I watched The Replacements for Keanu... that's not even shallow, that's still the steps into the pool.
Rachel Getting Married was a real waste of time.
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