
Now, let's get to the gushing. I think I have a new movie-crush: a certain Mr. Michael Sheen. Actually, no wait, that's not entirely true. Mr. Michael Sheen as Lucian equals hawtness.
I've always found vampires a tad effeminate for my tastes, so while they're cool for female characters, I find male vampires a little... milksoppy (that's not a real word. sue me.). But, what other immortals are there? Before Underworld, werewolves have been portrayed as mindless killing beasts at worst, men with uncontrollable appetites and slaves to moon cycles, at best.
Enter Lycans. Sentient, intelligent, strong creatures capable of thought, passion and love. Not only that, Michael Sheen's Lucian is sensitive, good with his hands (now, now... I am alluding to his being a blacksmith!) and is in love. In star-crossed, futile, doomed, damned, love. He's the kind of character that the thirteen-year-old girl inside me swoons over. But, to top it off, he's got long hair, beautiful eyes, a cut body, wears leather like he owns it, and is as removed from "effeminate" as you can get. In other words: he's perfect for this reviewer. I think I'm in movie-love. There, I said it. I'm in love with Mr. Michael Sheen's Lucian. He may... just may ... give my beloved Keanu a run for his money. This was one of the best valentine's gifts I've ever gotten. Thank you, Underworld, thank you.
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