Given my partying from the night before (see below), we got a tardy start to the day, with me arriving at 1500 and Nish (for once) arriving late! No worries - we're pros at this so it was no problem getting all our shopping done before the buildings closed. Tradition has it that I will buy at least one pair of earrings in the International Hall (I bought 3) and that we'd get our shopping on at the outlet section. In years past, we had bought $2 sweaters, $1 belts and $5 coats. This year I'm happy to report the purchase of two pairs of knee-high boots (in camel and chocolate suede) for $40 in addition to the above-mentioned staples. Tradition also allows for one splurge item. One year, I bought a marble chess set from Pakistan. This year: a beautiful leather-bound journal with a brass clasp and filled with hand-pressed cedar paper. I drooled. Then, I plunked down $45 for it. We also had all the bad-for-you food (corn dogs, butterfly chips) we could handle, reminisced at the Polar Express and took in a last-minute ground show before catching the 2249 GO train. Seven hours of walking later, I limped home and crashed on the 'rentals couch while playing some late night Rock Band. Happy Labour Day indeed!
So, partying.
Went to a family function (uncle's surprise 50th birthday party) on Saturday night. I haven't been to family thingie outside my parents' home in years (maybe even a decade?). Anyway, there I was seeing babies I'd held turned into teenagers taller than me. Old.
Here's what I recorded on facebook for posterity:
- Drunk Dad moment #1: after convincing the 'bartender' to pour his own drink, Dad sets it down, reaches for a samosa and promptly spills his Scotch & Water all over the table. Party napkins are useless. I find a paper towel roll in the kitchen and come to the rescue.

- Drunk Dad moment #3: some Tina Turner look-alike arrives to sing for my Uncle. She looks like someone ran over her face on her way there. On top of it all, she lip-syncs the entire performance. Ugh. Would have been a complete waste of money had my Dad not decided to dance his "sexy" dance with her. Now THAT was worth $200.
...And my parents wonder why I don't go out with them. Honestly.
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