Frankly, I'm not even sad about having the Liberals being decimated to 34 seats - really, we've seen worse defeats that have had no effect on the party's standing later. Then again, when the Conservatives kept only only two seats after the Mulroney era and under Kim Campbell, the Liberals didn't yank their funding. I doubt we can expect such fair play when it comes to Harper's Tories.
I still don't think Conservative voters know what the word "Conservative" means - it does not mean spending money into a deficit just so big business can continue to make a profit in recession times and it certainly does not mean being found in contempt of Parliament. Harper is a megalomaniac who wears blue because he needs a recognisable party to hide his REFOOOOORM ideas - John A. is spinning is his grave at having his great party become much a divisive and polarising entity. Heck, if it wasn't for his ludicrous rich-get-richer platform, I would be a Conservative voter! Small Government, no tax hikes... yeah, I can get behind that. But, really, who has an extra $5000 for a TFSA after paying taxes, RRSPs, your mortgage and groceries? I know who - people making $150000+. And that's his priority, not you or me or the rest of us middle class schmucks who keep the engine of this economy running.
Frankly, people will see it for what it is, just as they did after Mulroney (seriously, TWO seats in Parliament... how quickly we forget) and just as they did after Mike Harris. Now is not the time to whine and complain about the democratic process - now is the time to remain vigilant and remind the Conservatives of what exactly the word "democratic" means. We have a fairly strong Official Opposition in the NDP - let's give them the support they need to do their job to keep Harper in check.
I still don't think Conservative voters know what the word "Conservative" means - it does not mean spending money into a deficit just so big business can continue to make a profit in recession times and it certainly does not mean being found in contempt of Parliament. Harper is a megalomaniac who wears blue because he needs a recognisable party to hide his REFOOOOORM ideas - John A. is spinning is his grave at having his great party become much a divisive and polarising entity. Heck, if it wasn't for his ludicrous rich-get-richer platform, I would be a Conservative voter! Small Government, no tax hikes... yeah, I can get behind that. But, really, who has an extra $5000 for a TFSA after paying taxes, RRSPs, your mortgage and groceries? I know who - people making $150000+. And that's his priority, not you or me or the rest of us middle class schmucks who keep the engine of this economy running.
Frankly, people will see it for what it is, just as they did after Mulroney (seriously, TWO seats in Parliament... how quickly we forget) and just as they did after Mike Harris. Now is not the time to whine and complain about the democratic process - now is the time to remain vigilant and remind the Conservatives of what exactly the word "democratic" means. We have a fairly strong Official Opposition in the NDP - let's give them the support they need to do their job to keep Harper in check.
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