Will Smith is back, saving the world. Reluctantly. (Would it be a July without Willie putting down some baddies? I was surprised they released I Am Legend in the winter, when he could have easily been saving us from those freaks in the summer... but I digress). So yeah, Hancock. What's there not to like? Reluctant hero: check. Pretty people: check. Witty banter: check. Jason Bateman: check check. Good times. Special effects were nicely done too - nothing over the top or eye-popping, it all seemed very natural. Which is perfect for the movie. Loved that Hancock was an all-out jerk, but didn't have any crazy ugly-duckling-to-beautiful-swan moments. He kept his personality and just checked his attitude a little. (The "asshole" running joke is fairly well-played).
The major drawback would definitely be Hancock's origin story. This is perhaps what people are referring to when they comment about the movie having a "twist" and "going off track". Yes, it was poorly handled, but doesn't really detract from the rest of the fun. Another flaw is also the film's lack of "urgency." It only clocks in at 92 minutes; if they had added an extra ten minutes of footage showing the city falling apart without Hancock, or some indication that LA needs this super-messed-up-hero, I think it may have sold the story a lot more.
An excellent popcorn-muncher. Don't have really high expectations. 3 out of 5 stars.
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