The annual pilgrimage to the Bard's House happened this past weekend, with AnCe and her sister V. Nish, who is currently in the exotic climes of Madagascar, had to give up her tickets, which was both sad and regrettably. This would mark my first non-Nish Stratford. As has become tradition, we checked into Ellerby's for the weekend. Olive is her usual cheerfully spry self and gave us our key on the "Hope Diamond" because we were such pretty girls. *giggles* she really is the cutest. This would also mark my first non-sharing Stratford weekend, as I usually end up splitting a room with Nish. So, I had a double all to myself (which meant one thing... NO PANTS!). Unpacked, freshened up and ready to hit the town! Weather was perfect: sunny, cool breeze, almost no humidity.
Before we left, we made passing introductions with Ted, who was staying in the single at the end of the hall. He would prove to be excellent fun at the breakfast table.
Shades on, stepping out!
Friday lunch in Pazzo Pizzeria (a Soprano Pizza for me!)
Titus Andronicus in Tom Patterson: a little gore and guts in the afternoon! Notably WillyShakes' bloodiest play, it did not disappoint in drama and death. Near the end of the third act, there was a great gasping and wheezing sound near back left seats. What I thought to be a rude patron snoring turned out to be someone having a seizure. Yet another first: they stopped the play in the middle of a most dramatic scene! Actors left, house lights came up, ambulance arrived. Much hullabaloo ensued an patron is just fine. All I could think was that there was no way the actors would be able to pick up where they left off - all that tension had been deflated... but no! These guys aren't pros for nothing and we were right back into it. All in all, much fun.
Friday dinner @ Boar's Head Pub (Mushroom and Steak Pot Pie)
The Misanthrope in Festival: having no experience with Moliere's work, I was surprised by two things. 1) everything rhymed - the entire play. 2) There were no set changes - the entire play. It may have been a combination of a carby dinner, a warm theatre (no AC on our side) and a word-heavy, action-light piece of theatre, but I lost consciousness a few times in the first half. I was not alone. I actually think this would have been a better Audio Book.
Tuckered out by the day, we headed to bed.
Saturday lunch @ Downie Street Burgers (Chicken Caesar Salad)
Jesus Christ Superstar in Avon: So I was really really
really excited to see this one. Ever since my wish came true for it appear, I've been almost humming with anticipation. And did it ever deliver! Wow. Simply wow. This show is too excellent for words. Honestly, it's going to Broadway, so if you can, get your ticket now to go see it at intimate Avon. I had only one minor criticism (Mary holding Jesus' hand during the lashings) but everything else is simply excellent. From Judas to Jesus, Herod to Pilate... heck, even the backup dancers! Go. See. It.
Saturday dinner @ The Church Restaurant (Roasted Cornish Hen)
Richard III in Tom Patterson: the excellent Seana McKenna dons the Machiavellian Richard's robes for this turn of the play. I thought she was the standout performance, her mannerisms and posture so very convincing. The play itself clocks in at 240 minutes (compared to Jesus' 110) and we felt every second of it.
Yes, it is a verbose play and one of longest and they did try to cut it down with quick-quick scene changes but to no avail. It was long. If it wasn't for Ms. McKenna, I think it would've fallen flat.
Sunday lunch was a picnic on the Avon (Cheese from the Milky Whey, and Bread and Eclair from The Bakery on Pazzo)
Camelot in Festival: another Musical! and another hit! I really enjoyed Arthur and, before she became a philanderer, Guinevere (aka, Ginny). Also, the stage was beautiful, taking full advantage of the beautiful Festival Theatre (Unlike Misanthrope's static treatment). A nice way to end the weekend, despite the rain.
Loot bag: as usual, I bought some books and jewellery. And, I couldn't resist, a new sleepshirt (with Winter's Tale's famous "Exit, pursued by a bear" on the front and, of course, a bear on the back).
Home by 8pm; exhausted. The rest is silence.
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