Sunday, December 16, 2007

Adventures in Winter Wonderland

Yesterday, I came home from work early, in anticipation of the big snow storm. I changed into flannel PJs (yes, it was 3 in the afternoon; no, I am not ashamed), made a cup of green tea and sat down to kill a few hours with my favourite blood elf. I had made peace with missing out on annual merriment in Aurora.

Then the phone rang. JC, with an invitation to circumvent my quiet night by watching a bad movie, playing video games and eating pizza. I, like a sane person, said "are you kidding? I'm not driving in this craptacular weather!" to which he replied "I'll come get you." I know I should have said no, I know that - but I said yes. To add to it, my brother decided this was more fun than a night at home so he decided to tag along. We packed pillows and blankets because we fully expected to be snowed in and be coming home in the morning. The night passed by. Hardly any snow fell, we kept thinking "any minute now..." but by the time I passed out at 4am, it was still pretty clear.

This morning, however, was a very different story.

We packed up the car and headed home (again, me not driving); we made it to the house in one piece and with minimal drama. But the street had other ideas. It did not want to let JC go. I had to actually shovel him back out to the main street. Not fun. Then came the shoveling (and re-shoveling) of the driveway, after which I ran inside for more bonding with my flannel PJs.

Things I affirmed today:
- Buying house with no garage in Canada is the dumbest thing any car-owner can do.
- Having 2-wheel drive in a snowstorm makes me rethink of my position on SUVs.
- Snowplow drivers are a special kind of people, worthy of high praise.

I did have a good time though playing "refugee" in JC's basement. We watched the blu-ray edition of "Return to the House on Haunted Hill" - with its "choose your own adventure" extras. I don't really remember watching the first one; I doubt it deserved a sequel. But the concept was really interesting and a lot of fun at 1am. As with the books, we cheated if we didn't like our choices (honestly, go for the map), but for the most part, we played it straight. Many calls of "Harue?" were heard throughout the night.

I was supposed to go to work today as well but got a wonderful phone call saying it was a snow day. duh. I hope tomorrow is a snow day too; it just looks miserable outside. The snow also interfered with Survivor Finale night. This is traditionally celebrated with Survivor-themed foods of gummy worms, nuts and berries and pizza (we're not traditionalists) and held at one of our houses. Alas, we are separated tonight by about 3 feet of snow. I need to follow in Leanne's footsteps.

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