Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Now Playing: Drive

A quick movie review for Drive: it was okay.  Ryan Gosling is always great, but even he can't hold up an entire movie.  It's not that the premise couldn't work - it could; somehow it just doesn't.  Gosling's Driver seems so ... cold and remote.  it's very difficult to see him caring about anyone or anything enough to get all wrapped up in the stuff he ends up getting wrapped up in.  There are some great sequences too: that pawn shop heist?  awesome!  And, as I would expect from a movie called Drive, the driving is particularly well done.  And on real streets with very real cars... I kinda love that.  Should you watch it?  Sure, as a rental it may not be bad at all.  I expect this will end up on Netflix and that would be best.  3 out of 5 stars.

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