Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Well, hello March. Fancy meeting you here. Weren't you supposed to be arrive much later? No? Goodness, where did the time go...

Today, I turned my agenda to March, cut off the corners for easy flipping and had a mini-heart attack. I have so much to accomplish in the next 27 days, I want to cry. I won't, of course. Instead I will freeze into a statue of inertia. My Flight v. Fight tendencies are very simple: first I will hold very still and hope they don't see me. Camouflage. Deer in headlights. You know the drill. When spotted, I will immediately kick into overdrive, kicking and clawing at the massive to-do list in a frenzy, like a cornered animal. Finally, exhausted, I will simply give up on the things I didn't get to, chalking them up as unimportant, even if that's simply not true.

Currently, I am in freeze mode, though slowly thawing out and starting to make lists. Anyone who knows me will immediately recognise the list-making stage as the beginning of the frenzy. And you, gentle reader, will see the list in its infancy stages.

1) Money Stuff. yuck! okay, so I won't actually be doing them. More like, getting everything organised so that Jadek can do them. And find a nice way to tell my mother that she won't be doing them. Also, taxes related: I need to find out about the GST rebate for people who paid 7% GST when they purchased their houses in 2006, but won't be occupying it until after Jan 1st 2008. Everything is always so much more ocomplicated whenever I seem to embark on an adventure.

2) House stuff: I need to book a truck. I need to pack all my belongings, after going through all my clothes and donating the stuff I don't want to haul to the new place; I need to do laundry before I tackle this project. I need to pack my books and make sure to update my library spreadsheet so I don't lose track of them. I need to re-organise my filing. I need to reorganise my jewellery. I need to make sure I have enough money saved to pay the lawyer, the van rental people and the closing costs. I need to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day so Chez Mandy's can take a few months to look fabulous. I also need to look into Tarion rules and figure out what happens if my phantom mortgage takes months to get settled.

3) Vacation stuff: in possibly my most short-sighted decision ever, I decide to go on a big vacation this year despite having limited time and money to devote to it. I don't know why I just didn't say no - probably because I knew that a) Nish really wanted to go and b) I thought I would be able to handle it,. I'm stupid. Now I have to look into hotels and buy a backpack and go away for 3.5 weeks when I should be saving every penny so I can afford a mattress and spending my time doing all the stuff in the paragraphs above.

4) Somewhere in here I have to make sure to read a book and keep my friends and work as many Sundays as I can. First casualty? Sleep. Second? Sanity.

That's it. I am in lockdown. No going out to spend money. No frivolous expenses (like food and clothes). I am officially pushing the panic button.

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