Sunday, March 02, 2008

Now Playing: The Other Boleyn Girl


Good parts: costumes and scenery were fabulous. Nothing too over-the-top, but with enough opulence and luxury to appreciate the splendour. The supporting cast was stellar: Jim Sturgess as the doomed George Boleyn (Anne and Mary's brother) wrought the most sympathy as a character. You felt genuinely sorry for him. Kristin Scott Thomas in a strong turn as Elizabeth Boleyn (Anne and Mary's mother). David Morrissey drips sinister. And Ana Torrent is a poignant Catherine or Aragon.

Bad parts: the three main actors. I do not enjoy Eric Bana on most days: I find him wooden and shallow. In this case, playing a horny king who balances a country and faith against his lust, he does a fairly good job. You feel no sympathy at all for him, but I guess, who could? Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman were well-matched - neither were excellent, but they weren't too horrible either. They should have hired a better accent coach - their nasally American twang peeked through a number of times. Portman did get much juicier lines and actions but Johansson held her own in equally quiet measure. Also: the heavy-handed fawning of Elizabeth? I could have done without it.

3.5 stars out of 5. Wait for the DVD.

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