"YES...You have more rights" (Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services)
You have the right to have clothes that are warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Clothes that are right for your age. You have the right to recreation. Games and sports are great for your mind and your body.
"What is Smog?" (City of Mississauga)
Smog is visible as a brownish-yellow haze in the air on hot, sunny days. Smog forms when ground level ozone and fine airborne particles mix with heat and sunlight. Fine particles come from factories, dust from construction sites and roads as well as gasoline and diesel vehicle exhaust. Ground level ozone forms when Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions from industries, vehicles and oil-based paints and solvents, mix together with heat and sunlight. Ground level ozone is harmful to plants, animals and humans.
"Depression: What Can Friends and Family Do?" (Canadian Mental Health Association)
It can be difficult to be with and to help someone who is seriously depressed. Some people who are depressed keep to themselves, while others may not want to be alone. They may react strongly to the things you say or do. It is important that you let them know that it is okay to talk about their feelings and thoughts. Listen and support rather than trying to contradict them or talk them out of it. Let them know you care. Ask them how you can help, and offer to contact their family doctor or a mental health professional. Find out about local self-help groups and attend a meeting with them. Try to be patient and non-judgmental. Most of all, don't do it alone - get other people to provide help and support too.
"What are the signs and symptoms of cystic fibrosis?" (Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)
Since it is a disorder which affect several bodily systems, cystic fibrosis is associated with a variety of symptom, which can include:
- constant cough which expel thick mucus
- excessive appetite, combined with weight loss
- bowel disturbances
- skin which tastes usually salty
- repeated or prolonged bouts of pneumonia
CF was first described as a disease in the late 1930s. At that time, it was usually recognised only after a child had died, often as a result if malnutrition or pneumonia. Medical awareness of CF has increased tremendously over the years. Although CF can still be confused with other children's diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and celiac disease), family physicians today routinely consider the possibility of CF in an individual with two or more of the symptoms noted above.
"Kinderprint: Child Identification Program" (Canada Life)
[includes inked plastic strips for fingerprint taking, ten little squares for tiny fingerprints, a space for a recent photo ("updated annually") and other pertinent info (i.e. name, race, weight, blood type] Canada Life has been providing financial stability and sound advice to policyholders since 1847. It is a commitment rooted in tradition and backed by the highest possible rating from Standard & Poor's, Duff & Phelps and The A.M. Best Company.
...anyone else find it creepy that a Life Insurance provider is in charge of this? As in, they only want you to find your kid so they don't have to pay out the insurance you'll (presumably) bought from them.
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