Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pete Faulkner, Casa Loma and that second glass of wine

Yesterday, in support of Senator, I attended the Kickstart Book Launch (published by Dundurn) at Casa Loma. The thing started at 7pm and I was there an hour early (I always seem to overestimate how long it will take me to get downtown after work). As I walk in, a tall (very young) gentleman asks if he can help me and I reply that I'm there for the event and that yes, I know I'm very early. He says that's okay, it's good to be "fashionably early" - I think "what charming people work at Casa Loma". I decided to walk around and case the joint - unfortunately most of the rooms were closed. I did, however, get a chance to check the conservatory and the library (no Colonel Mustard in sight!). Biggest disappointment? The Casa Loma Library is full of fake books! Heart. Breaking. Anyway, I took a few pictures (more on those later) and settled into the conservatory (technical term: Cold Marble Room) to read a few chapters of my book.

Little did I know, a few mere metres away, AnCe sat reading in her car in the parking lot. Can you tell we're Book Clubbers or what? Both Nish and AnCe finally wandered in and we claimed a table (right by the entrance where the servers entered, hoping to be the first pit stop for any food-bearing trays - we were rebuffed more often than not). Caught our first glimpse of Senator making her rounds, "working" the room - we were very proud. I had just downed my first glass of red wine when AnCe and I attempted to be very chi-chi-fon-fon by having a literary discussion. It went something like this (complete with snooty accents):
AnCe: is this your first launch?
Me: oh, no! I'm a veteran of the publishing circles.
A: ah! have you read the latest by, er, Faulkner?
M: William Faulkner? I'm afraid he's dead, my dear.
A: Oh! uh, no, I meant Pete.
M: Pete Faulkner?
A: oh yes, he's amazing! I thought you said you were a veteran of these things?
... did I mention we were wearing almost matching purple silk tops? Oh yeah - classy.

Halfway through my second glass, Senator finally made her way over, dropped her purse off and promised us food before winging away again. Full disclosure: I was already buzzing. Wine is my weakness, my kryptonite, my Achilles heel! In my defense, they were not serving anything else. I took this moment to check my pictures and see if I could get a few more in - but I couldn't focus on them and I thought "whoa, I'm really toasted". DrunkDizzie = FunDizzie apparently.

Senator also brought over NorthOf60, her love interest of late. But none of us knew this - and this is important to the rest of this story. Let's be frank here: NO60 is one hell of a package. He's cute, funny, social and very likeable. When he got up to look for another chair, we all debated whether he was her brother or friend, whether he was single or married. That's right - three single girls and six glasses of wine make for an interesting conversation. When Madox finally joined us, even he wondered if NO60 could be gay.

All of this is moot, however, since we soon found out that this was indeed the NO60 of our recent discussions - the same one who would act like he wanted to be dating (8-hour dates, late night phone calls, etc.) but say that he didn't. While some would argue that actions speak louder than words, I would beg to differ. People will treat you how you allow yourself to be treated. If Senator kept giving up the milk* for free, no way was NO60 going buy the cow - why should he? Would you? Cows are a lot of work. So, if he's outright told you he's not wanting a relationship, then you need to respect that and not think "I can change his mind" - that's just a setup for disappointment. We pretty much depressed the hell out of her, but I think she kind of needed the reality check.

As an aside, I've got to say I really am the worst poker player on the planet. The minute I found out who NO60 was, I was... bitchier. He didn't win a single verbal spar and, drunk or not, I couldn't get myself to be nice to him any more. I'm happy to say I wasn't alone, that everyone was the same way. But I know I was trying not to show my contempt and I still couldn't help it. I guess that's the downside of being honest - being completely readable at all times.

BTW: those blurry pictures? Not due to drunkenness - when I came home and uploaded them I realised the lens was smudged. Maybe all I needed was the excuse of wine in order to do crazy things like raid the Casa Loma kitchens.

BTW II: that young charming guy who said I was fashionably early? Paul Matthews, one of the authors for the book we were launching.

BTW III: met Valerie Pringle and her lovely daughter.

*Edit: I in no way meant to imply that "milk" is anything more than the pleasure of one's company.


Madox23 said...

Love the post! I posted about the event, but it was totally about my trip there and my lack of cool.

Just one point to clarify, I knew it was north of 60 man. I guess I failed to mention that to you, but he was sitting right there. So I knew he wasn't gay. When I asked you if you thought he was gay, it was with respect to the other bearded guy, the one I was dreuling over. At that point he was standing right in front of our table and I was in mid eyeing him up mode. I didn't know you had a camera. I woulda went around taking sneaky photos of all the hot guys!


Malecasta said...

That part of the night is a little fuzzy for me, so I apologise for the lack of paying proper attention. Let's chalk this all up to unreliable narrator syndrome, shall we?